Bitter Sweet Memory..
So we stopped talking, BEEEN stopped talking, maybe 2 years ago.. We haven't even spoke to one another. We both stubborn so when we fell apart I knew it was over even though I never wanted it to be fully over. We didn't even date, it was more like a silent agreement that I was yo nigga and you was my lil lady. I don't even know what happened but we gradually stopped talking. Well I deleted you from everything just so I wouldn't be tempted to hit you up or see you posting new pics on facebook with ya new boy friend. I didn't want to miss you basically..
Here we are two years later.. Haven't heard from you, haven't seen pics of you but sometimes thought about what if. What if we never stopped talking? Well I remember you use to come over with no pj's and when I wasn't looking, you would take a pair of my boxers and put them on and bundle under the covers so I wouldn't notice. Petty but cute, I always thought it was funny. After awhile, you wore the same ones over and over. After we stopped talking, subconsciously, I never wore them. They became the "laundry boxers". The ones I wore when I didn't have any more. One day, my new girl came over and ended up staying late. She didn't have any pj's so while I was in the kitchen cooking, she took a pair of my boxers, got in the shower, got out and got bundled up under the covers. I told her the food was done and she popped from under the covers wearing the same ones you use to wear... Right then I started missing you like fucking crazy and I just smiled. It was just random and odd to me that out of all the boxers, she picked yours and did the same thing you did. I guess I can't forget about you no matter what.. It's all good, I needed that smile. -DizZy
now Thaaats CRAZYYY ..
but its def. real
haha. That's so cute.
Never know, she may be having those same memories.
damn dizzy! I loved that... that shit was crazy... made me smile and it aint have shit to do with me :)
Kita your silly and all yall stop awwwwwing me!! lol
I read your blogs and I'm startin to think that we live the same lives....LMAO!!! Except you thing is music and mine is modeling. We both write and I would say that we both go thru the same shit....LMMFAO!!!! Love it DizZ!!!!!
Sheeesh! I can relate on every level bruh.
dude i think everybodi has that one person that they have that same feeling for
Awwwww...yeah I said it! I have lil things that make me think about an old buddy every now and then...its funny that Men do tha same thing...
That was the shit!!!
i go through this all the time... hmm wonder if the same thought would cross his mind. because it does mine ... all the time..
That's so crazy... lol! Life happens like that I've been there before. ha
awww that was reminds me of a certain somebody..i need that smile too..
awww isn't that ironic...
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